


Reading Log :  Read 125 minutes a week

Math IXL:  H. 11 and I.7

Math Unit Review Worksheet:  This is a study guide for the test on Thursday (do not return).

Here is a Look at our Academic Week:


We are preparing for First Communion.  We will start making our banners this week.  We will be practicing prayers and readings.  If your child will be reading for First Communion, he/she will have their readings assigned by Friday. Please make sure to practice reading at home. Please make sure to send me an email if you have ANY questions.  You should all have received the LOVE LETTER assignment, FAQ’s for First Communion, and picture envelope last Wednesday in their homework folder.


READING: We will wrap up this unit on Amping up our Reading. Please have your child keep working on keeping track of longer books by taking notes on sticky notes and leaving “bread crumbs”.  Your child should know that “bread crumbs” are notes you take while your reading to make sure you understand what he/she just read.

Writing: opinion writing

SPELLING: Students received a new sort today.  Their spelling test will be on Monday since we have primary centers.


We continue with fractions, reviewing arrays, subtraction and addition. I sent home the unit review for unit 8.  Please review this worksheet in the next two days since we will be taking our test on Thursday.  Before taking our test on Thursday, we will be having a little fun eating fractions.  I want to make sure your child is able to eat some of the snacks I will be using in class. Please look in your child’s homework folder tomorrow for a list of foods that they will be given during our math time. I want to make sure you approve due to allergies. They will NOT eat all of the snacks but will take the leftovers home.

Social Studies: Learning about different cultures

Science:  Frog Life Cycle & Parent plants


ONLY FOR THIS WEEK:  Please return library books on Wednesday.

Tuesday:  Progress Reports go home.

Tuesday/Thursday: P.E.

Friday: Primary Centers

JOG-A-THON is on Friday, May 12th. This is our BIG school fundraiser so please turn in your jog-a-thon envelope with donations.  Let’s see how much second graders can raise this year! Please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs. Vazquez
