Week of March 12-16, 2011

Dear Second Grade Families,

The FLAT PEOPLE projects were great. Thank you for your guidance with this job. Hope you enjoyed going through the mail once again.

We thank all the moms and grandmas who volunteered for Primary Centers on Friday. You help to make this day fun and successful!

CINDERELLA: If you read the calendar for March, you may have noticed that there is a field trip (March 19) to see a live performance of Cinderella. Well, something happened with the production and it has been cancelled. We will be seeing a live performance here at school today. It is “Jesus of Nazareth”. Ask your child about this.


🙂 🙂 :)STUDENT OF THE WEEK….Jordan 🙂 🙂 🙂

RELIGION:  Lent and Stations of the Cross. We will pray the stations as a school this Wednesday at 2:00. Please join us if you can. Feast of St. Patrick; Reconciliation readiness: beginning examination of conscience. Remember First Reconciliation is Wednesday, March 28, 9:30am in the church with a brunch to follow. Parents are invited and encouraged to go to confession also on that morning.

READING:  We will finish up the comprehension and fluency activities for the story “Carousel”, and continue with reading of novels.

SPELLING:   Unit 26, Contractions.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  ABC order; Dictionary work; word families; Thesaurus work; seasonal language arts; cursive handwriting.

MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; continue adding 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping; subtracting 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping: story problems.

SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE: landforms and maps/ rocks, minerals & fossils

Have a good week, Second Grade Teachers.
