Dear Parents,                                                     September 27, 2010

Thank you to Mr. Sezzi and Mr. Ortega for helping with Primary Centers.  We couldn’t do it without your help!

In language arts this week, we will be reviewing the short sound of /a/ and the short sound of /i/.  We will not have new spelling words this week and therefore no spelling test on Thursday.  Please check the daily planner for homework. Our reading strategy this week is evaluation and our comprehension skill that will help with evaluating a story is cause and effect.  Paying attention to what causes something to happen can help us understand the story and evaluate whether we enjoyed the story or not and why.  Please practice this comprehension skill when reading nightly with your child.  Ask why certain events happened in the story.  Ask if they enjoyed the story and why.  It is fine if they did not enjoy the story as long as they can tell you why they did not enjoy it.  Our phonics focus this week are the short sounds of /i/ and /a/.  Our grammar focus is on using an end mark at the end of a sentence.  We were not quite ready for our chapter test last week in math, so we will be testing today.  We will then start learning subtraction concepts. The next couple of days finds us reviewing unit 1 for social studies and we should be ready for our test on Wednesday.  Science finds us, in the lab and examining our plants under the microscope and recording what we observe.  In religion, we are learning about our guardian angels in anticipation of our First Friday mass.  Please join us for 8:30 mass if you can!

Thank you for recording your child’s nightly reading on the reading log.  What a wonderful activity to partake in with your child. They are learning so much by reading with you.

Please remind your child to bring their library book to school tomorrow so that they may check out a new one.

Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday.  Thank you for your support!

Today we are enjoying a Ventura City Outreach Program at school.  These are wonderful programs designed for young students.  They only cost $1.50 per student and we have scheduled about 5 of these programs throughout the school year.  Marla the Mermaid is coming today to teach us about her ocean friends.  In your child’s red folder, you will find an envelope marked, Marla the Mermaid.  Please submit your payment (exact money is greatly appreciated!) as soon as possible.

It is “All About…Kristy Minero” this week.  Congratulations!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Manning

Science…what fun!!
