Dear Kindergarten Parents,

As we begin the 5th week of Lent, a look at Sunday’s Gospel. Lazarus falling sick, his sisters calling for Jesus, and the miracle that happened.  We will begin with our Children’s Bible and a short video titled “Lazarus, Come Out”. Bible verse John 11:5, “Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus very much”.

ELA- comprehension to summarize and organize text as we listen to stories read aloud. Vocabulary expansion with opposites, sight word sentences and initial consonant /d/. As we read, the tracking finger is so important for keeping place,  segmenting, and blending each sound. Encourage this at home, your child’s reading skills will improve.

EM-Our week begins with your children  surveying around the campus to find  data and show on graphs. This week we move on to Section 6. 6 and 7. Exploring shapes as a continued review and comparing pennies, nickels and dimes. Math story problems will help us with the changing value of each coin.

Science finds us exploring magnets. Social studies continues with our American Symbols.

Our library day is Thursday, please return books so your child may check out a new one.

Remember the Jog-a-thon coming May 9. Help support us with a pledge and a poster.  This is one of our big fundraisers!

Enjoy your week!

God Bless your families

Mrs. Carol Brown
