Dear Kindergarten Families,

Learning to prepare for Jesus will be our main focus for religion through the season of Advent. We will continue to practice the Christmas Program and try to get some classwork completed on Monday and Tuesday.

Friday Mass – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 8:30 – please join us if your schedule permits.

Remember to bring in non-perishable food items for St. Vincent de Paul Society helping those less fortunate in our county. Monday through Friday food will be collected.

Teddy Bear Day is on Wednesday morning….don’t forget your purchase. Our Advent assembly will be at this time on Wednesday.

Tuesday First Trimester Progress Report Cards come home. Please review and keep the card, but please sign and the envelope and return on Wednesday or during conference. We use this envelope for all 3 trimesters. Along with Progress cards completed work packet is coming home Tuesday.

Minimum days for Conference schedule — Wednesday through Friday. Dismissal is at 11:30 on those days. EDC is always available directly after school.

Christmas Program is on Wednesday, December 13 at 6:30. We must be in the Hall by 6:15 to get in our seats. Attire is nice clothes no jeans or T-shirts. Your children will wear read vests (which we have at school) for the first part of the program.


Language arts will focus on rhyming and sorting our pictures. Print practice for best writing.

Math finds us working on nice number formation, reviewing patterns and maybe use of the pan balance.

Social studies working on a map of the world from our National Geographic Magazine.

An art lesson on Tuesday!

Looking forward to seeing all parents for conferencing.


Mrs. Brown


