Dear Parents,                                                    November 30, 2015

This week in first grade we are learning…

Language Arts: We have a busy week ahead of us! Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. Our comprehension skill that can help us with the understanding of a story is the sequencing of events. Knowing what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story and answering the who, what, where, when, and why questions about the story will help us understand what we read. Our phonics focus this week is on words with triple clusters (splash, string). We are also reviewing words with the short sound of /u/. As we continue to work on the structure of a sentence, our grammar focus this week will be on asking sentences.

Spelling: We will not have new spelling words this week. We will be working on our triple clusters in class.

Math: We will be going a bit slower this week in math. We will be discussing two lessons that deal with a lot of content – fact power and making tens. These are the last two lessons in our unit. Therefore, depending on our progression during the week, we may be taking our test on Friday.

Science: In science we will begin Chapter 3: Living Things Meet Their Needs. On Tuesday we will be taking a nature walk, as we hunt for living and nonliving things.

Social Studies: In social studies we will begin Unit 3: Community Life.

Religion: In religion, we learn that God Chose Mary and Joseph. We will also begin our discussion on Advent. We will have a special school-wide paraliturgy each week.

Reminders and Announcements for the week:

  • Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday.
  • This Tuesday and Wednesday there will be PE. Please make sure to send your child in their PE uniforms on these two days. (We will have music on Thursday instead of our usual Wednesday this week!)
  • Friday is a full day.
  • Next Wednesday is Teddy Bear Day! On this day, all students bring in a new teddy bear to donate to families are in the LA Archdiocese Adopt-a-Family Program. In addition, you may donate boxed cereal and candy for the program.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Ms. Manning
