Dear Parents,                                                   April 25, 2016

What an exciting week we have ahead of us!

Language Arts: Our reading strategy this week is questioning. Reading the title, looking at the pictures and stopping to ask oneself questions, are strategies good readers use. The comprehension skill that will help us with understanding a story is compare and contrast. Understanding how events, characters, etc. are the same and how they are different leads us to a better understanding of the story. Our phonics focus this week is on the vowel pairs, oi, oy as in boy or oil and aw, au as in saw or sauce. We are also learning the suffixes –ful, -ly, and –y and our grammar focus is on using describing words.

Spelling: We will not have new words this week!

Math: We are beginning Unit 9! This week we will focus on place value and adding/subtracting with tens.

Science: We will be unable to do a new science lesson this week, therefore we will be reviewing our study of plants during Farm Day at ATLAS!

Social Studies: We will be continuing on with our study of “My Country, My Heroes” which will include practicing reading a calendar, discussing Independence Day, and laws!

Religion: For the next few weeks, we will be spending our time learning about the Mother of our Church- Mary. First grade is responsible for the May Crowning, which will take place on Friday, May 6th following our school mass (around 9:30am) in the church. Many students will have speaking parts and will have a packet coming home next Monday to practice. We will have a beautiful procession in with flowers and finish with the crowning of Mary. I hope to see you all there!

Homework for the week: 

  • Monday: Math Worksheet
  • Tuesday: Just Read
  • Wednesday: Just Read
  • Thursday: Math Worksheet
  • Friday: Read 2 times!

Announcements for the week:

  • We will begin presenting our poems in front of the class this week. Finalists will be announced on Friday. The finalists will then perform in front of the judges the following Monday.
  • Monday is In-N-Out Day! Reminder to all that your child’s lunch ticket will be coming to the classroom — all guest tickets will be held at a table near the script office for your pickup. Please do remember to bring blankets or chairs for you to use as we enjoy our delicious lunch!
  • On Tuesday, First is headed to the Oil Museum with our second grade friends. We will be back for lunch. Please make sure your child is in PE uniform!
  • Please remind your student to bring their library book on Tuesday so that they may check out another one.
  • Wednesday is Farm Day at ATLAS! We will be spending a portion of our day learning about agriculture and farms in our local community.
  • Wednesday evening at 6:30, the intermediate grades have their spring music program.
  • Friday is a half-day!

Have a fantastic week!

Ms. Manning

