Dear Parents,                     January 25, 2016

This week in first grade, we are learning…

Language Arts: We are finishing theme 5 in our reading series this week and will continue with the CVCe pattern. Our reading strategy is “monitor and clarify” and our comprehension skill is cause and effect. Cause and effect relationships can be difficult for the children and it will benefit them greatly if you point out the cause and effect relationships in the stories you read. (Remember: the cause is why something happened and the effect is what happened). Our phonics focus is the long /i/ sound spelled with the CVCe pattern and contractions. Our grammar focus is on the proper usage of I and me.

As a reminder, at this point in the year, I am requesting that the students begin to record their own reading on the reading log. I would like for them to write all that is needed, excluding your signature of course! This will help us greatly with our writing skills.

Spelling: Our spelling words are from unit 21 this week!

Math: We will be continuing on with our math unit 5. We will be focusing on doubles and strategies to help us solve addition problems.

Religion: We will be reading from our textbook this week and learning how Jesus Shows Gods Love.

Science: In science we will begin our next chapter on environments! We will first start with Vocabulary and then move into the coastal environment.

Social Studies: In social studies we will begin work on our school fair projects – Community Life.

Homework for the Week:

  • Monday: Rainbow Write 2X and Math Worksheet
  • Tuesday: Math Worksheet and Spelling p. 155-156
  • Wednesday: Math Worksheet and 7 Sentences
  • Thursday: Spelling p. 158
  • Friday: Read two times!

Reminders for the Week:

  • PE Uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday!
  • Please remind your child to bring their library book on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
  • Friday is Parents Day and a noon dismissal. Please join us in church at 8:30am! Afterwards a small reception will be held in Biedermann Hall until all students are ready for your arrival in the classrooms!

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday January 31st is Open House! Please join us from 12pm-2pm!
  • Next week is Catholic Schools Week! During this week, we will be celebrating our Catholic identity as we show appreciation for all who make catholic schools exceptional!

Have a wonderful week!

                                                     Ms. Manning
