Dear Parents,                          February 13, 2016

Here is what we are doing this week!

Language Arts: We are working on grabbing our readers attention in our informative writing. In phonics this week, we are focusing on the vowel pairs “oa” and “ow” and the long /o/ sound as in show and boat. As we practice the vowel pairs, remind your child, “When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!” We have a trick to decide how to spell these oa/ow words. If the long /o/ sound is found in the middle of the word, the word is usually spelled with “oa”. If the long /o/ sound is found at the end of the word, it is usually spelled with “ow”. Our spelling words come from Unit 32 and will focus on the vowel pairs “oa” and “ow”.

Math: We will be reviewing our funky function machine and our frames and arrows in the beginning of the week. We will also be learning about quarters and reading digital clocks!

Science and Social Studies: We are still on break from our science lessons as we finish our school fair project. Traveling is so much fun!

Religion: This week we will be completing our Virtus lessons.

Homework for the Week:

  • Monday: Rainbow Write and Math Worksheet
  • Tuesday: Spelling p. 221
  • Wednesday: Spelling p. 222 and Math Worksheet
  • Thursday: Spelling p. 224 and Math Worksheet
  • Friday: Read 2 Times!

Reminders for the Week:

  • Please bring in your Valentines on Tuesday!
  • Tuesday is a Free Dress! As it is also PE, please have students wear something comfortable and tennis shoes so that they may participate in PE.
  • PE Uniforms on Thursday.
  • We will have library on Thursday.
  • Friday is a noon dismissal!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Mrs. Basamanowicz
