Dear Parents,                          May 15, 2017

I hope all enjoyed Mother’s Day and your gift from your first grader!

Language Arts: We are done with our Themes and Spelling Units! Woohoo! We will be spending the last few weeks of school researching our zoo animal in class. We will be reviewing our informative writing as we write our zoo report after we return from the zoo!

Math: We are continuing to work through Unit 10. Unit 10 is all about review so you should notice your students familiarity with the concepts!

Science: We are trying to squeeze in one more unit in science! It is a fun one though! We will be learning all about matter. We begin with solids this week.

Social Studies: We will be wrapping up unit 5: My Country, My Heroes. We will be learning about diagrams and monuments this week. We will finish our unit by Friday.

Religion: We are reading from our textbooks this week. We will be turning our attention to the mother of our church, Mary.

Homework for the Week: (Don’t forget to read every night!)

  • Monday: Math Worksheet
  • Tuesday: Math Worksheet
  • Wednesday: Math Worksheet
  • Thursday: Math Worksheet
  • Friday: Read 2 Times

Reminders for the Week:

  • PE Uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • On Tuesday, we will have a special art class! First grade will be participating in the 2017 Children’s Celebration of the Arts Educational Outreach.
  • Please remind your student to bring their library book on Thursday so that they may check out a new one. We will try to make it over to the library this week!
  • Friday is a full day.

Have a terrific week!

Mrs. Basamanowicz
