Dear Kindergarten Families,

Our religion lessons continue with the Passion of Jesus as we count down the last days of Lent. Wednesday, the Living Stations of the Cross are at 2:00 as always join us if your schedule permits.

Tuesday, the Standard based Progress Report cards come home. Please keep the report for your records, but send back the envelope with your signature. Please return this week by Thursday.

ELA: focus letter Xx short vowel /o/; word families “ot” and “ox”; with review of short vowels /a/ and /i/; reading groups; sentence structure; writing ‘how to books’; & continuing with blending and segmenting cvc words.

EM: telling and solving comparison number stories; counting by 2s; coin exchange with pennies, nickels, and a dime.

Science: tending to as we watch our spring garden grow; our Ash Wednesday sunflowers are growing nicely look for a spot to plant at home!

**Remember to check for library books at home and return this week by Wednesday. We ‘ll check out new books after Easter vacation.

**This week ends on Thursday with a noon dismissal!

Have a blessed Easter Sunday and wonderful time during the week off.  School resumes on April 13.

God bless your families,

Mrs. Carol Brown
