Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Homework for this week is listed below. I have reformatted the assignment sheet and logs for easier downloading and printing. Please let me know if you are having trouble printing this week.

We are close to the halfway point in school. It is time to use reading tools to build reading skills as well as read several times each week.  In the homework folder, you will find a sight word envelope. Please use these word cards with your child to become familiar with frequently used words. “At” Family word cards are available to print and use for matching games and sentence building with sight words.

Listed below are the documents and web links.
Assignment sheet and reading / web log:


reading-web log,Jan.13-Jan.19

Worksheets and ‘at’ family cards:

At_Family cards

MLK worksheet

brushing before bed

Educational Web Links:

Tina’s World

Monkey Business

Tens Frames


Enjoy the 3-day  weekend.

Mrs. Brown
