Dear Kindergarten Parents,

To start off our school year, we enjoy sharing a little about each other. I am sending home a simple craft for you to help your child color, add their picture, and some information. “All About Me” stars will decorate our room and return home in a few weeks. Note it is a two piece craft – the pentagon shape glued to the back of the star.

Read each a book or two each night and list books on the Reading Log. Click below on reading log to download and print.

Reading Log

Help your child find the letters to their first and last name on the keyboard for easy access to our computer lab. Please practice and practice – first and last name – one word- all lower case letters.


ixl math  C.4 (counting using stickers)

Starfall (patterns maze game is highlighted)

Storyline Online   (listen to stories -please add to reading log)

If you have any problems with the websites or downloading the reading log, please contact me. Please use the ixl password from summer work.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carol Brown
