Dear Kindergarten Families,

This week spend time getting ready for our Valentine’s Day exchange on Friday! Please send in a Valentine card for each student in our class.  A little candy is fine.  In class we are making a card for our 4th and 5th grade buddies. In regards to classmates and  buddies please do not buy small presents or plush.  We are keeping this event low-key and simple.

How to address these cards? Your child can write just their name on all cards to be handed out. Another option is to use the document below to write their friends names and/or numbers. Third option: label the envelopes. Just remember to have your child write their name!!

Kinder names – click here  set for AVERY 5160 labels 

Read each night and record on calendar or with the Book-it app.

This week visit World Book Web to compare mammals that live in water.

click on WBW. H20Mammal


ixl E.4 count groups of ten

ixl E.6 count blocks up to 30

Valentine game fun – visit Starfall

Send a Valentine

Math Journey

Enjoy the warm weekend!!

Any questions? Please send an email

Mrs. Carol Brown






