Dear Kindergarten Families,

Required homework for this week:

ELA — Each night follow the three “B’s” bath, book, and bed! List books or chapters read on the reading/web log. Below you will find writing worksheets “Wonder, Draw  Tell” -your child needs to choose one or do both for extra practice.

Reading beyond the 20 minutes per night qualifies as extra reading. Please  download and print out a shamrock for a ticket to our raffle next week. Anyone who cannot print please send me an email I’ll print for your child   Shamrock

EM — Our math lessons follow Section 5 and Activity 15. Log into Everyday Math, select work by moving the circle marker top of page by section and activity. Notice the vocabulary terms on the left, “Games and Practice” and ‘Online Games” on the right.

Download “Number Grid Game” you’ll find directions and the  grid. The online game selection is also the Number Grid Game. Your children can play any of the online EM games to strengthen number sense. In addition to the number grid game, do the Mystery Picture on the 120 chart. Directions to color are included.  Help as needed, although this is something we worked on this week.  Math online games are required in IXL and EM. Remember to use the login and password provided. Spend at least 20 per week on these games. IXL will help your child with number words and skip counting. I see a noticeable difference with students who practice math each week!


Reading / Web Log

1. Wonder, Draw, Tell   “Hiding Out” 2. Draw, Wonder, Tell “Windy Day”


EM Login

ixl  D. 12 ixl F. 1-4 any level where you child is comfortable

Number Grid Game

Mystery Picture


Extra practice online games:

Word Hunt

Number Hunt with 100 chart

moreStarfall robot place value game

Goo Games any game at your child’s level

All work is due next Thursday, March 27.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Carol Brown
