Dear Kindergarten families,

I am happy to see all students did quite well on the CBM math test, many scored 100%!  This week a test on geometry – please find the CBM link below.

As always, read nightly – list books read on reading log and respond to a favorite book with a story map.

It sounds like your children are enjoying Spelling City. This week practice words on list three. To prepare for first grade, there will be a spelling test each week.

Last week in EM we covered math stories, the quarter,  and 2D and 3D shapes. Find a little time to note the terms and practice online games.

Reading Log

story map

EM  7.4

IXL S. 5

CBM geometry K_1

Spelling City

extra sites:

Roy the Zebra (months of the year)

Starfall ( May calendar)

This week homework may be turned in on Friday.

enjoy your week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
