Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Homework – Read!

Reading is the best gift you can give your children.  Make reading part of your nightly schedule, use the three B’s; bath, book and bed! An excellent tool to develop language, vocabulary,  writing and concentration skills is to READ. Those who read do better in all academic areas.

Now that the second trimester has begun, the reading log, book reports or story maps are required. The Book-it Program is an incentive which most families enjoy, but it is a choice.  If interested, December’s form is due on January 2.  Pizza Form

I am impressed with the quality of work that went into the Story Maps in last week’s homework. Please allow your child to draw and/or write from the story that they read.  I enjoy their creativity!

Over the Christmas break, enjoy time with family and friends. Have fun and read several good books with your child. I am including some reading forms, if your child would like and a link to Dr. Seuss’ website. You will find several games related to his famous books. This is optional-nothing is due next week!

Book Nook

Family Book Report

Story Map


God bless your families!

Mrs. Carol Brown
