Dear Kindergarten Parents,

What a nice Mother’s Day Sunday! I hope every mom enjoyed a special time with her children.

Events for this week:

Free dress on Wednesday –cost $1.00 all proceeds go to the Salvation Army.

May Crowning on Wednesday at 2:00-parents are welcome as always!

Friday is a full day of school.

Remember to send in permission slips for our field trip to Underwood Farms.

Our Academics: Mary our Blessed Mother, learning to pray the rosary. Your child may bring in their rosary on Wednesday for May Crowning and on Friday’s Mass. We will stay after Mass and pray a decade of the rosary.

Phonics –beginning and ending consonants, short vowel /e/ as we move into Theme 9 of our reading series. Reading strategy is noting important details. Stories with fun and rhyme will be a component of our reading comprehension this week.

Math practice with coins and adding 1 and 2 to numbers 0-10. We are continuing with our focus on patriotic symbols. Science lesson has us looking at water, soil, minerals, trees and how we can help to save our natural resources.

Have a wonderful week.

Mrs. Carol Brown
