Second Grade Families,

Thank you to all who volunteered to help with our Primary Centers.  Your extra hands are ALWAYS appreciated to make our centers run so smoothly.  The students had a GREAT time being  a big buddy to our Kinder and First Grade Friends.  If you didn’t get a chance to volunteer this time,  please look at our school calendar  for our next Primary Centers in October.

Tomorrow, I will send home our Flat Stanley information requesting information regarding their host family.

This week marks the beginning of the ITBS testing or Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  Second Grade is the first grade level where we begin the ITBS testing.   We will have about 9 days to complete the entire test.  Our testing period for each day will be from 8:15-10:00 and some days from 10:30-11:00. There are a few things you can do to make this testing period successful for your child.

1. Good Night’s sleep!

2. Healthy Breakfast! Also, send a healthy snack!

3. Getting to school on time!


I thank you in advance for your help in making this testing period successful.

This week’s homework:

Fluency & Reading Log

IXL :  B.1 and A.3 (total of 20 minutes or more)

Spelling City (Unit 5):  Spelling Test is on Friday.  Long and short vowels.   I decreased the number of assignments required for spelling city.  Students may still use the other games to practice for their test.

Our academic week includes:

Language Arts:  Reading for comprehension (monitoring and clarifying as we read) and fluency; long vowels, sentence punctuation and writing.  We are beginning our story, Julius .  We will focus on homophones and identifying sentences.

We finished our read aloud, Flat Stanley!

Writing:  We will focus on “unfreezing” our stories.

EM (EVERYDAY MATH):  We began Unit 2 last week.  This week we will focus on 2.1-2.3 (Unit 2 Lessons 1-3).  Please go onto to look over what we are learning in second grade.   We will work on number grid puzzles, addition word problems, “easy addition facts” and double facts.

Religion:   Jesus show Us How to Love God Our Father and Others

Science:  Last week, we planted our lima bean.  For the next few weeks, we will be observing the growth of our lima bean plant.  We will be measuring and recording our observations.  This week, we will discuss, How the environment can affect a plant?

If you have any question please send me an email

Have a Wonderful Week,

Mrs. Vazquez
