Dear Kindergarten Families,

Happy Monday!

The Chumash Acorn outreach program was a big hit! Your children enjoyed many hands-on activities learning how Chumash Natives lived years ago.

Homework News–I would like to have your child use a website for one component of homework for the week. This would be to create a comic with sight words, print and return with homework packet on Friday. I do not want to cause unnecessary stress –therefore this is an optional assignment. Please click on:

Comic Creator

You will see how creative your child is–follow button “Get Started”

Please note events for the week:

* Tuesday / Thursday water sales continue — cost $1.00 supporting adopt-a-family.

* Wednesday is a free dress supporting a cure for cancer. Please donate $1.00 – your student may wear blue or pink.

* Friday is Primary Centers, noon dismissal and during recess we will gather with our school families for a treat.


Religion: In giving thanks to God, we acknowledge all things have been created by, belong to him and come to us from his goodness. We are expressing our thankfulness in class through prayer and related projects.

Continue reading nightly  practicing sight words and the “at” family words. In class we are using describing words with our daily sentence practice.

Naming, identifying, and forming number’s 0-5 continue in math chapter 3. We are  learning to count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Number words and color words are coming home this week. Please practice with your child, number word assessments will be next week.

Have a great week — please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Carol Brown
