Dear Kindergarten Families,

Thank you for the generous donations to help those families impacted by past hurricanes in Puerto Rico.

Progress Reports will be in your child’s gold folder on Tuesday. Please review and return signed by Monday, October 9. This Friday is noon dismissal.

Chapter 6 in our religion book teaches us we hear God when we listen and are quiet. October we pray the Rosary and  spend time learning about several popular saints.

Be thinking of a saint your child will portray for our annual Saint’s Parade on Friday, November 3. Look for more information on popular saints here   More to come later this week in your child’s red homework folder.

ELA  – letter/sound recognition, printing practice, Words their Way sorts, Reading and Writing Workshops. Reading strategy is to re-read and look for interesting pictures to help understand the story better. Our focus on writing: “hard to write ideas” can be shown with action pictures then adding labels. We later sharing our writing and ideas in our group or with a partner. Sight word work  in class and at home will help become beginning readers.

Math – counting with the ten frame and learning to manipulate shapes to form other shapes as well as make pictures.

Science – animals and plants – and seasons

Social studies – looking at the world map and Columbus Day.

Enjoy your week-

Mrs. Carol Brown

