As discussed in the last newsletter of 2010, please be sure your student(s) are able to follow the uniform policy and have the school supplies necessary for the serious work of the second trimester.

The supplies purchased in the summer endured quite a workout in the first trimester and  fresh supplies make all school resolutions easier to accomplish as we return in January.

A review of the Uniform Policy, available on the website under the top navigation bar ‘OUR SCHOOL>UNIFORM’, may be helpful as several points bear an additional comment.  The length of the skirt/skort/ and jumper for some girls needs to be measured against the amount of growth occurring for each.  Some boys may need to include a belt to allow for the pants or shorts to be worn properly for school.  As new shoes are selected for boys and girls, please attend to the various uniform color choices.  Finally, winter weather necessitates the use of some pieces of the uniform that did not get much attention during the warm days of our fall season.  As the temperature drops, we continue to see students in shorts and short sleeve shirts.  Our uniform offers a wide selection in sweatshirt, vest, and jacket options, long sleeve shirts, beanies & scarves, and PE sweatpants.  With all these choices available from Proforma, non-uniform outerwear is for free dress days only.
