Dear Kindergarten Families,

Your children enjoyed sharing their “Me Cube” we have them hanging in class. They are proud of their family pictures/drawings, their favorites –especially foods, (which was pizza and ice cream for most every student!)  I have enjoyed reading the origin, meaning, and why you choose their name.

Stories Are Good,  the third chapter in our religion text. The class has learned the Bible has many important stories that help us to understand how God is working in our lives. We have read about Noah and this week Jonah.

Noting important details is our reading strategy. We discuss and list details as we listen to stories read in class. It is important to think of the beginning, middle, and end as we read books. Since school began, we have been identifying each letter of the alphabet, the sound, how to form each letter and listing other words with the same sound. This week we are working on  letters Oo through Rr. When printing, please know that we are learning to write with upper and lower case letters. Printing our name or words in all upper case letters is being discouraged in Kindergarten.

Sorting by color, size, and shape has been the focus for the first part of Chapter 1 in Math. This week, we will learn how to read and use simple picture graphs.

We have a science lab experience each week.  Our science focus is animal body parts and movement. Wednesday afternoon two of our caterpillars finished metamorphosis and Friday we watched them fly off.

Learning where our names originate brings us to looking at the map for places we have been and places we would like to go.

**  Wednesday evening Parent’s Night at 6:30

**Full day on Friday- an afternoon activity with our school families.

Coming soon information on the Saint’s Parade, November 4

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
