The First Trimester Service Hours Report is included in your December Family Envelope. Each family is required to give a minimum of 5 hours per trimester, 15 hours per year. Information about service hour opportunities is available on the school website, in many monthly Family Envelopes, or by contacting the school office. A payment of $15 will be made for every uncompleted hour prior to the close of each school year. Please review your participation level if ten hours or more remain. Unchanged balances will be added to the 2017-2018 tuition amounts via FACTS in January, February, or March.

If you have completed service hours during the first trimester but have not logged them in the “Volunteer Service Hour Sign-In/Sign-Out” binder or emailed the Service Hours Chair, please do so this week.

If you have any questions about service hours, please review the “Service Hour Requirements” on this website, in the drop-down menu under “Our Parents.”

Here are some helpful reminders regarding documentation of Service Hours:

On-Campus Hours

  • Please report to the school office to sign-in and obtain a “Visitor” badge. Each school family has a Service Hours Sheet (filed alphabetically) in the “Volunteer Service Hour Sign-In/Sign-Out” binder, located on the front counter in the office. We have many school families who share last names, so please verify you are signing in on the correct sheet.
  • Kindly include the volunteer’s name on the family’s service hour sheet, the activity and hours on campus.
  • If you have more than more student at the school, please include the classroom or grade for which the hours were performed.
  • At the conclusion, please sign-out in the same “Volunteer Service Hour Sign-In/Sign-Out” binder and return your “Visitor” badge.

Off-Campus Service Hours, with Staff Approval

  • Off-campus hours may be recorded in the “Volunteer Service Hour Sign-In/Sign-Out” binder located in the office, or emailed to the Service Hour Chair, Mrs. Ramirez, at
  • Kindly include the volunteer’s name, the activity, the classroom or grade for which the hours were performed, and the number of hours worked.

“Service Hour Requirements” may be found on this website under “Our Parents.”


  • Lunch duty-Join us for lunch as your schedule allows-no reservation needed! Please sign-in at the office, grab a “Visitor” badge and proceed to the lunch area by 11:40
  • Hot Lunch Preparation – If you are able to assist with hot lunch assembly, please email Rhonda at
  • Christmas Party Fund- See the flyer included in this month’s envelope. Every $15 earns one service hour.
  • Classroom Christmas Parties, Wednesday, December 20th – If you are available to assist during your child’s class party, please email the school office or service hours at, or
  • Catholic Schools Week – More information in January’s Family Envelope
  • PTC Lenten Soup – More information in January or February’s Family Envelope

PTC monetary contributions earn one (1) service hour for each $15 in addition to 4% scrip credit.




