thankful heartHappy Thanksgiving to all fourth graders and their families!

As you enjoy this holiday weekend, please remember that we are collecting cereal and leftover candy from Halloween for our Adopt-a-Family mission project. We are also getting ready for Teddy Bear Day, so check out those sales over the weekend!

I will not send home another work packet until next Tuesday. There will be no reading log or fluency homework this week!

What we are working on this week (besides some Thanksgiving activities):

Religion: We will have a test on Unit 2 (chapters 5-9) tomorrow. Click here for a link to the study sheet. RELIGION UNIT TWO

Math: We continue our study of decimals in Unit 4. There will be no new ixL homework this week. I would like students who have missed earlier skills to make those up, and I am placing notes in their planners if they are behind. Students need to finish study links 4-1 and 4-3 by Wednesday, and the Math boxes pages in their journals, through page 84, by next Monday.

Spelling: We conclude our work on Unit 13. The book pages should be done by tomorrow, and the test will be tomorrow as well. Students are writing sentences using Unit 13 words, and these are due on Wednesday.

Vocabulary: This week we continue our study of Unit 7 words; we will not have a test on these words until after Thanksgiving.

Reading: Everyone continues to read book selections at their reading level. We are learning a variety of strategies, which will help us to become better readers. Click here for a link to the Parent Pipelines: Back Up and Reread Parent Pipeline Back Up and Reread,  Tune in to Interesting Words Parent Pipeline Tune in to Interesting Words, and Make a Picture or Mental Image parent pipeline mental image.

Social Studies: This week each group will make a presentation about their particular region of California and the Native Americans who lived in that area.

Thanking you for your continuing support and wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving,

Mrs. Mary Dwyer
