Many items will be available for sale at bargain prices on Wednesday, June 1 from 2-4p.  When purchasing new uniforms, two companies are involved. Proforma provides shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests, jackets, the complete PE uniform, and some additional uniform items. All of these display the Sacred Heart School logo and may be purchased at any time from Proforma online, by phone, or in person. If you have a Dennis Uniform shirt or purchase one at the Used Uniform Sale, it will need the logo applied by Proforma so your student(s) may wear it next school year.  Dennis Uniform Company provides pants, shorts, skirts, and skorts. Dennis Uniform Company and Proforma will be on campus on Tuesday, August 9 from 4-7p.  Scrip for Dennis Uniform Company and Proforma is available.
