Dear Kindergarten Parents,

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Here’s a look at this week:

We have a free dress on Wednesday – please donate $$ to help our mission efforts.

Primary Centers on Friday with a noon dismissal.


Our Christian faith and practice for this week  “How will you share the light of Jesus’ love?” In this chapter your children will learn that Jesus called himself the light of the world. We’ll discuss the Easter candle as a symbol of our risen Lord.

ELA: phonics and writing — connecting letters to sounds, and penmanship  for /f/, /h/, and /s/;  short vowel /o/ and review of /a/ and /i/; naming words and plurals. Evaluating and drawing conclusions will be the reading strategies for stories read in class.  Writing workshop will be to finish our “How to Books”.

EM: dividing wholes in half and dividing groups of objects in half; reviewing patterns and counting by 2s.

Science:  Earth Day and understanding properties of water

Social Studies: patriotic symbols

Thank you for your children!


Mrs. Carol Brown
