Dear Second Grade Families,
Today we celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY with Valentine math, language arts, reading, bag decorating and a celebration. It will be fun.
We are still receiving some mail from our flat people hosts and a few flat people have returned to Sacred Heart. Your child will be bringing home the board, envelope with mail, and instructions for the second part of the Flat Person assignment to be completed at home.
Sacrament information will be coming home in this week’s Tuesday folder. There will be dates. Reconciliation for your child will be Wednesday, March 23. Hope you can join us. We will begin in Church and then have a little celebration  (brunch) afterwards. You will be hearing from our room moms as to how you can help with this. Since many of you will be taking time off work to attend, you may take your child out of school after the brunch for the rest of the day to have a family day. More info to follow.
UPCOMING is a walking field trip to our local fire station led by Captain Thom Hoffman. Look for permission slip and the rest of the information.
******STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Cameron******
RELIGION: Reconciliation preparation continues. We will have stories of the Good Shepherd, Zacchaeus, and the Prodigal Son, and the forgiveness of Jesus.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading for comprehension and fluency; the sounds of tall and saw in spelling, short week, one test; Vocabulary development; Dictionary work; Proper sentence formation: Creative writing; cursive writing exercises.
MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; Addition of 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping. Keep working on telling time and counting money.
FRIDAY is no school for you. Teachers have a meeting. Monday we will celebrate Presidents’ Day with no school.
Have a good week… Mrs. Danforth
