Dear Second Grade Families,

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated this Wednesday. If you are able to attend please meet us in church at 9:30. The brunch/reception will follow in the glass room of the hall. Remember you may check your child out of school for the rest of the day and continue your family day.
Wednesday, March 23, $1.00 (or more) free dress with the money going to help those in Japan.
Friday is GRANDPARENTS DAY. We will begin our day in church with Mass. This is also a 12:00 dismissal.
Due Thursday, March 31, will be the March Book-It List (this is the last one) and March Homework Activities. How’s that coming? Please do not wait until the night before they are due to complete the list and activities. Then it is not fun (or neat) and management skills are not used.

******STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Jacob******

RELIGION: this is the second week of Lent. We are studying the Stations of the Cross, as well as attending and praying the Stations as a school in church. Please continue helping your child prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by reviewing the procedure and vocabulary presented on the blue paper.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading for comprehension and fluency; vocabulary development; Contraction words in Spelling; Dictionary and Thesaurus work; ABC order; creative writing; and more cursive handwriting.
MATH: adding and subtracting facts to 20.  Adding 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping; estimation, learning to write the double digit problems from horizontal to vertical;  Keep practicing counting money with your change and telling time on an analog clock. CONGRATULATIONS to Sean Carney. He is a MATH MASTER as he has completed 25 timed math tests! Keep watching for more announcements of second grade progress.
SOCIAL STUDIES/ SCIENCE: Life in different places; using a globe.

Have a good week…Mrs. Danforth
