Dear Parents,                                                     January 18, 2011

Thank you to those who were able to help in Primary Centers.  The children (and me too!) enjoy seeing you in our classroom and truly appreciate the help.

I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend!  Let’s hope the weather stays just as nice for our field trip on Thursday.  Remember to have children wear long jeans, older tennis shoes and a school polo on Thursday and to bring their sweatshirt/jacket just in case it is cool.  Please pack their lunch in a brown paper bag clearly labeled with their name.  The room moms are taking care of the snack.

The new snack schedule is working well, the children enjoy eating outside and we get into the computer lab right on schedule for our math groups.  I am still fine-tuning the use of the map websites and will pass them on as soon as the children learn how to use them.

Due to the shortened week, we are going to spend the week reviewing the CVCe pattern.  When reading with your children, point out this spelling pattern and discuss that the vowel uses its long name because of the final e.  So far in our reading all vowels have used their short sound.  Now the children have to decide weather the vowel uses its long or short sound and this is hard for some children.  Our spelling words are from unit 19.  They have short vowel sounds but use the digraphs th or wh.  We will have spelling homework but will not have a spelling test on Thursday.  I have added unit 19 to

We are reviewing graphing data and should be ready for our chapter test on Wednesday.  Our next chapter in math is on numbers and patterns to 100. Our focus in religion is the parish family and how to participate in mass.  We will continue with our study of environments in science and apply what we have learned while on our field trip.  We will discuss how the butterflies use their structures (body parts) and their environment to meet their needs. In social studies we will learn how to read maps – looking for landforms and different types of water.

Hopefully your child remembered their library book.  If not please remind your child to bring their library book to school tomorrow so that they may check out a new one.

Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday.  Thank you for your support!

Wednesday is a free dress day!  Your child may wear sports-themed free dress for $1.00.  All proceeds will benefit the Holy Childhood Association.

Friday is a full day, however the children will enjoy an assembly and School Family Activity.

It’s All About…Sol this week.  Congratulations!

Have a wonderful week.

Mrs. Manning
