Dear Families,

It was wonderful to see so many students and families this weekend at the Fiesta.  Everyone seemed to have a great time.

Please check your child’s homework and planner every night.  It is very important that your students remember to return their homework to school.   Please encourage your child to complete three Accelerated Math packets a week.  The third one is extra credit. Students should be reading every night for twenty minutes.

Below is an overview of our week.

Religion: We will be focusing on the Eucharist.

Math: We will continue work means, ranges, median and modes. The students are doing great with their Accelerated Math.

Science: We will review for our Chapter 2 test on Wednesday.  Thursday we will be in the lab for an introduction into the Human Body System (Chapter 3).

Social Studies: This week our focus is on the Eastern Woodlands tribes.

English: This week we are blessed to have Miss Reed continue her discussion of Great Books with the students.  Please ask your student about this.

Voc: Unit 4 will be our focus this week.

Spelling: This week our spelling words are from unit 8.

Reading: We will continue with our novel The Indian in the Cupboard.

Literature: We will finish the story Long Claws. Our next story that we will read is going to be Sister.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


Ms. Carney
