Dear Third Grade Parents and Families,

At last, we have arrived! Multiplication and division are here! Last week we focused on multiplication concepts; or, what it means to multiply two numbers. Students should now understand that multiplication is a short cut through addition and that “__ x __” simply means “___ groups of ___.” Now that students have a basic understanding of multiplication, we have begun to work on the inverse operation: division. Today, students used unifix cubes to show that when we divide, we simply separate into groups. We even divided ourselves showing that 12 students separated into 3 groups leaves students 4 in each group. We connected these using “fact families.” Much like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division are closely linked.

This Wednesday you will be receiving a packet of math facts, or “goals,” for your child to begin work on. This packet will contain a list of the goals each student is to meet in order from easiest (the 10s) to the most challenging (7s and 8s). Likewise, you will find pages for making flashcards as well as a half-sheet for “Pairs Practice.” Both flashcards and the half-sheet are meant to help you as you work with your child in meeting each of these goals. Each Wednesday and Thursday, beginning next week, students will be assessed on individual math facts. I will begin with Goal 1 (the 10s—Multiplication). If your child is fluent in a set of facts (does not use his/her fingers or pause to work it out) he/she may move on and begin to prepare for the next goal (Goal 1—the 10s: Division). When students are assessed, I will send them home with an individual half-sheet showing whether he/she should continue to work on the same goal or is ready to move on. This way, you are regularly informed of your child’s progress as well.

Best of luck,

Mrs. Espinosa
