Hello 3rd Grade Families!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend among family and friends. There will be much happening in the following three weeks. Below are some highlights.

-The St. Vincent de Paul food drive is taking place now. Students took home bags on Monday and are encouraged to fill them up with non-perishables. All will go to feed local hungry families this holiday season.

-Teddy Bear Day is Monday, December 5th. Remember to pick up a new teddy bear to give to a child this Christmas. All will go to the Adopt-a-Family program here in Los Angeles.

This week in class…

Math: Unit 4 — We continue working steadily on the difference between multiplication and division applying both to number stories in order to solve problems.

IXL Math Skills Homework:

I.2 Write Division Sentences for Groups

I.4 Write Division Sentences for Arrays

Reading: Reading comprehension assessments are complete and updated reading levels can be found in your child’s planner. In class, we continue building skills for non-fiction reading including learning the lingo of specific non-fiction topics so we can “talk the talk.”

Word Work: This week’s words can be found in your child’s planner & online on SpellingCity.com. Our next spelling test is scheduled for Friday.

Grammar: This week will be one of review before the Unit 2 Grammar Test on Thursday.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on California’s first people with a study of their use of the land.

Religion: This week marks the start of Advent. The students will be working on various Advent related projects beginning with the Jesse Tree!

Have a great week!

Ms. Espinosa
