Dear Parents,                                                     February 27, 2012

Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”.  Stopping to reread especially if there are words we have difficulty reading and making sure the sentence and the story make sense to us are strategies that good readers use.  The comprehension skill that helps us with this strategy is sequencing events.  Knowing what took place in the beginning, middle, and end of the story is important for comprehension.  Our phonics focus this week is the sound of /oo/ as in cook or look.  We are also working on compound words (cupcake) and words with multiple meanings – ring -what is worn on your finger or the sound a bell makes.  This week, our spelling words are from unit 35 and are compound words.  Please help your child learn to spell these words by breaking them into the two words.  However, remember that they need to be spelled as one word on the spelling test. Please remember to go online to and continue to practice the posted words – play the games and take the test.  Our grammar focus this week continues to be on proper nouns for people and places.

In math we continue with Chapter 6. This week we focus on finding the missing addend and learning to count back to subtract. As we have run out of fingers to help us now that we are past sums of 10, we will need to use our fact families, doubles, and patterns for 10 to help us. In religion, we are taking a lesson from our Family Life Series focusing on God’s love and how we can share this love with others. We will be focusing on social studies this week as we prepare for the school fair. On Monday night, your child will bring home one of the boxes you brought in as well as some colored paper. I am asking that you please wrap the boxes in this paper and return to school with your child on Tuesday, as we will be decorating that day.


  • Mrs. Peterson will be out of town this Tuesday therefore we will not be having P.E. Due to this the students must be in regular uniform that day.
  • Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday.
  • Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal.

Have a wonderful week.  If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Miss. Manning
