Dear Third Grade Families,

With the end of the school year fast approaching, we’ve got a very busy schedule ahead of us. This Tuesday we will have families in the morning in order to make a special gift for our graduating 8th grade family leaders. We will also have a short Flag Day assembly on Thursday. Our big finale will be Move Up Day Friday morning at 11:30. This will be a great first look at what lies ahead next year. And of course we’ve got Father’s Day to look forward to on Sunday. The students have been working hard on a special gift for our Dads. You can look forward to seeing these soon as we’ll be taking them home wrapped and ready on Friday. This is also a noon dismissal day.

This week is our last week of homework as we will not have any the last week of school. I suggest that any students with remaining homework passes use them up now.

We will also be using this week to wrap up and assess many of the skills learned throughout the year. Thursday morning we will be taking our final math test on Chapter 12. This will cover 2 and 3 digit multiplication as well as long division. We will also be wrapping up Chapter 3 in science with a final look at fossils. In language arts, the class will spend some time reviewing the last 5 units in spelling as well as completing our final writer’s workshop “publication.” Thursday morning will also be our last visit to the library for the year. Finally, in religion, we’ll be returning to the Christ our Life series for a look at Jesus’s healing of the sick in Chapter 13.

Have a super week!


Mrs. Espinosa
