th-1Welcome Back! I hope that everyone enjoyed the Easter break!   We have many activities coming up this month: field trips to attend, speech contest poems to memorize, spring programs to perform in. This week is just the beginning of an exciting month! This week students will be selecting a published poem of about 15-20 lines to memorize for the Speech Contest, to be held in early May. I would like them to have a poem selected by next Monday.

What we are working on this week:

Religion: We begin our study of the sixth and ninth commandments, and discuss the significance of the Easter season.

Math: We will be working on angle measurement and drawing. This week students should complete ixL Math skills, O 5, O 6 and O 9, all of which focus on time.

Spelling: We will be studying the words in Unit 26; the test will be on Friday.

Grammar: We begin Unit 4, which focuses upon adjectives, adverbs and prepositions.

Writing Workshop: We have started our final writing unit, which focuses on how to write opinion essays.

Vocabulary: We will continue our study of Unit 13, with the test on Friday.

Reading: The reading log will be due next Monday (click here for a copy) reading log begin middle end and Fluency Homework #27 will be due next Monday as well.

Social Studies: We will be learning more about the Mexican-American War as we read Studies Weekly issue #16, and then we move on to issue #17, the Discovery of Gold in California!

Science: We conclude our study of Chapter 6, focusing upon landslides. Students are making an illustrated poster, which will be due next week, and we will have a chapter test next week as well.

Thanking you for your continuing support,

Mrs. Mary Dwyer
