Happy New Year! Welcome back from what I hope was a joyous Christmas season for all families. The big event this week is the Spelling Bee for grades 4-8, which will be on Friday at 12:30. We wish our five contestants the very best of luck; we will be cheering for you!

Early next week I will be sending home information about our School Fair mission projects.  If you have not selected a mission yet, please do so and send me an email with the name of the chosen mission.


Religion: We begin Unit 3, chapter 10; our main focus in this unit is the first three commandments.

Math: We continue Unit 4, focusing on decimals. I would like students to complete ixL Math skills T 7, 8 and 9; this will be due next Monday.

Reading Workshop: This week students may have free choice when selecting books to read; next week we begin a new unit: Reading Nonfiction. Students are to complete a reading log and have it signed for all reading done at home (20-30 minutes per day). Click here for the reading log, which will be due next Monday. reading log

Writer’s Workshop: This week we will begin our unit on Opinion/Essay writing.

Reading Fluency: It is fluency #17 this week; it will be due next Monday.

Spelling: This week we are doing Unit 15, verbs with endings. As practice, students will be writing each word three times, as well as completing the book pages. The test will be on Friday.

Vocabulary: We will begin our study of Unit 9; the test will be next week.

Science: We continue chapter 3, which focuses on Energy in Ecosystems.

Social Studies: We will begin learning about early explorers and their impact upon California.

Thanking you for your continuing support,


Mrs. Mary Dwyer



