Following an in-service to improve our abilities to use the website, a plan for the fall schedule of classroom observations was prepared.  The observation focus for primary grades will be in Reading, intermediate on Social Studies, and in middle school any lesson based on non-fiction reading.  This first round of classroom observations will be completed prior to our Christmas break.  For many years, the primary grades have been using one of the noon dismissal Fridays each month for primary centers.  This month we will add the intermediate and middle school levels to the monthly rotation of collaborative learning centers.  Each grade will be divided into thirds, grouped with other students from the level, and will travel to three classrooms to work on a planned activity in each room.  The ITBS scores have arrived and teachers are analyzing the results for individual students and their class.  Shortly, Mrs. Danforth will begin her work as a resource teacher working with individual students and some small groups.  Teachers are sending lessons and work samples from Science and Religion classes to demonstrate our efforts to work toward the goals we established in the last two-year’s in-depth studies.  This year’s focus will be on The Fine Arts & PE.  We synced our calendars until the Christmas break and we have full and interesting days planned for all!
