Jogathon, Friday Morning, May 12 following the 8:30a Mass

If you have not done so already, please collect donations and sign & return your Jogathon Envelope by Jogathon Morning!

A Volunteer/Donation Flyer & Jogathon Order Form is included in the Family Envelope for a second time…just in case! Please return soon if you haven’t yet!

With Spirit Signs displayed on the fence surrounding our court (available for lamination when complete until Thursday, May 11), after Mass, students will take to the field in groups beginning around 9:30a: Kindergarten & 1st, Second & Third, 4th & 5th grade, and Middle School with that final group beginning their 30-minute walk/jog about 11a. The 8th grade students have other activities for those in Kindergarten through 5th grade during times they are not jogging the field. DJ Joggy will be providing music throughout. Kona Ice will be available to refresh all. A Used Book Sale will be open with all books priced at 25 cents to $1 each. Shout OUTS at the Jogathon!!!! Throughout the Jogathon, DJ Joggy will be reading Shout OUTS completed by students, family members, and staff. If you have not done so already, please return the Jogathon Order Form to complete your choices for Jogathon items. Most will be available for purchase Jogathon morning, but at an increased price!

Our hope is to meet, and maybe even exceed, amounts raised in the last few years. Let’s see what we can do!

An important fundraiser for our school, we look forward to everyone’s participation in this popular event.
