Many families have generated more than $350 in scrip “profit” already, but if your “profit” amount is below $120, please use scrip during this heavy purchasing period and continue its use into 2014. If scrip seems confusing or difficult, please contact Shaune Ramirez at or stop by the scrip office. She will help you find ways for your family’s purchasing style to include scrip and avoid the necessity of a cash payment for scrip tuition. We encourage scrip and service hour “double dipping” by using scrip donations for the Schoolwide Party Fund and the Running Raffle.
Early in 2014, statements requiring cash payments will be sent to families who are not on pace with the completion of this portion of tuition. Families near or at completion of $350 in scrip “profit” continue to purchase scrip to get their rebate in June. Some families include all or a portion of their $180 (18 hours) service hours and/or $350 scrip “profit” obligation to their monthly FACTS tuition payment. If you would like to add scrip or service hours to your FACTS tuition amount now, please contact the school office.