Our special day is just around the corner! We have a busy week ahead of us with academics and preparation for our First Communion. We will be practicing in church everyday except Friday. Also, you will be receiving the family envelope today with infomration regarding our jog-a-thon in May and In-n-Out preorder ticket forms.
Reminders for First Communion:
Pictures will be taken in the fourth grade classroom. The photographer will be here from 12:30-1:30 p.m. I recommend you come early to take your pictures. The photographer stops taking pictures at 1:30 because he needs to prepare for the class picture in church. I have extra picture envelopes so please stop by my class for another one if needed.
First Communion Mass will begin at 2:00 p.m. I can’t wait to see all of our little angels on Saturday.
IMPORTANT FIRST COMMUNION REQUEST: A few weeks ago, I sent a letter requesting the “love letters” for your child. Please send in your love letter ASAP or no later than Thursday. Every child MUST have at least one letter turned in. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding “the love letter.”
If you have not already done so, please have a “dress rehearsal” at home with the special clothes. Make sure your child can walk (up and down stairs similar to altar steps), kneel, bow, stand, and sit comfortably. There are to be no gloves, bracelets, or anything carried in their hands. Veils, bows, wreaths, etc., for the girls need to be securely fastened with bobby pins.
Please remind your child about “fasting” before Mass; nothing to eat or drink, except water and not a lot, one hour before Mass. Also, make sure he/she uses the bathroom before we begin, and hands are clean.
The first 6 pews on each side of the church will be reserved for our First Communicants.
Homework: If your child has a reading part for mass, please practice at home. Students received their parts on Thursday.
Math IXL: M.14
Language IXL: V.1
Reading Log: Read for Fun! No reading log this week.
Spelling Test will be on Friday.
RELIGION: We will be preparing for our First Communion and completing our First Communion Banners.
Reading: Practicing Fluency and using character voices.
MATH: We will be reviewing addition and subtraction this week and introducing measurement.
Science: Rock and Minerals/What causing weathering? What are the three properties of minerals?
Social Studies: Being a good citizen
Reminders for this week:
Tuesday and Thursday: Tuesday, P.E.
Wednesday: Free Dress $1.00 St. Vincent de Paul: 3rd-5th music performance
Saturday: First Communion…Meet in church at 1:40 p.m.!
Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.
Mrs. Vazquez