Welcome to the Second Grade! We had a busy three days last week going over classroom expectations. Everyday is a full day this week with many exciting academic adventures. We will be visiting many familiar rooms on our campus such as the computer lab, science lab & library but with second grade eyes. The children are eager to start a routine as I am.
Here are a few highlights for this week:
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: WEDNESDAY at 6:30. I am looking forward to meeting all of you on Wednesday. The meeting will begin in Biedermann Hall.
Homework: HOMEWORK continues this week with nightly reading for 20 minutes and filling out a reading log. Students must do their own writing in pencil. Reading Log is due on Friday’s. This week we will start Unit 1 spelling words. The children will practice spelling words using spellingcity.com. I will go over homework expectations at Back to School Night on Wednesday.
Math: As a school, we are implementing a new math program, “Everyday Math”, this year. It is aligned to the common core. We will begin Unit 1 this week.
English Language Arts (ELA): We will be reviewing consonant blends, short/long vowels, and comprehension strategies such as predict/infer, decoding/phonics, questioning and monitor/clarify.
Writing: We will be responding to the story, Swimmy by Leo Lioni. We will also begin talking about writer’s workshop.
Spelling: We begin spelling Unit 1 this week. We will be reviewing short a and i.
sad, dig, fix, if, jam, glad, list, flat, win, his, been, want, was, as
Challenge words: sandwich, picnic
Spelling Test will be on Thursday. We will also have dictation. Dictation are sentences that will include spelling words/word patterns and sight words that children should know. The sentences for dictation are not given ahead of time.
Religion: Family Life: Unit 1 Family We will reflect how family members show love to each other.
Social Studies: We will read an article for Studies Weekly. We will learn about being a good citizen & about American symbols (flag, bald eagle).
Science: We will be visiting the science lab this week to go over lab rules. We will look through our science books.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at secondgrade@sacredheartschoolventura.org.
Mrs. Vazquez
Second Grade Teacher