I can’t believe we are on the first week of our 3rd Trimester! I hope you enjoyed the weather this weekend with your family. Last week, we made some “classmade” lemonade. We are working “How To…” writing using transitional words so the children were able to get some practice telling me the steps of “How To Make Lemonade” . It was DELICIOUS!!!!!
April is poetry month and the annual speech contest. This week in class we will be selecting a poem with 15-20 lines. The children should have a copy of the poem by Monday. If you select a poem at home, please send in a copy of the poem to be approved.
Homework: Math Fact Practice Please go on this site to have your child practice math facts. You WILL NOT have to print out the certificates. Use the bottom of the NEW reading log to write the the percentage of at least three math practices (addition, subtraction). Example: Mix Level 1 87% , Mix Level 2 99%, +5 practice 100%. We need to be fluent with math facts up to 20 by the end of the year.
Today, I sent homework with your child. We have a new reading log this week. Space is limited in the reading log so I encouraged the students to do their very best. I did recommend to write the full title of the book on the back of the reading packet. If you have any question in regards to homework please feel free to send me an email.
Student of the Week: We will continue student of the week upon our return from Spring Break.
RELIGION: Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2:00; We make up for our sins; Vocabulary this week: sin, confession, pardon, forgives, priest, penance and sorrow. We will have a religion quiz on Tuesday. We will review today in class.
READING: We are reading Imogene’s Antlers, Horrible Harry goes Cuckoo, The Quicksand Book. Our focus this week will be on comprehension and fluency. We will be working on story elements.
WRITING: We will finally start typing our “How To” writing in the computer lab. The class will learn to save a document on the desktop folder. 🙂 The children are excited about learning to save a document
SPELLING: Unit 26, contraction words such as didn’t, can’t, isn’t. Our spelling test is on Thursday. Have your child visit spellingcity.com to practice the spelling words with some games.
MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; double digit adding and subtracting with and with out regrouping, problem solving, mixed practice. We have started on fractions (1/2, 1/4, 1/7). We continue working on 2-D & 3-D shapes with vocabulary words being quadrilateral, vertices, edges and faces.
SCIENCE: Magnets
Social Studies: Using our resources, how products get to us…
Welcome Back, Flat Hannah!!
Free Dress on Wednesday $1.00 donation
Noon Dismissal on Friday.
Have a Good Week,
Mrs. Vazquez