Dear Second Grade Families,

We start our week off with beautiful warm weather.  We will be spending some time outdoors reading this week.  I ask that you send a beach towel so we can enjoy a shady area on our campus during the afternoon.  This will be a nice surprise for our second graders since I haven’t mentioned this at all.  They have earned this special treat by filling up the sparkler bucket.

Congratulations to our Palmisano finalists Aryanna, Caleb, Fiona, and Nicholas!  Our K-2 finalists will be recognized at a special assembly on March 19th and a winner will be announced.  We wish our Kinder, First, and Second graders lots of luck!


Math IXL:  O.1 and Y.1

Language IXL:  Y.1 Reviewing contraction words

Reading Log (20 minutes a day/100 minutes a week) You will receive a raffle ticket for every 20 minutes you exceed from the required 100 minutes.



Religion: Last Supper, Bible Stories

Language Arts

Reading : We are amping up our reading fluency by rereading and focusing on dialogue tags.  Ask your child to explain what dialogue tags are in a book.

Spelling: Students have their new words in their planners.  They will take their spelling test on Friday.

Grammar:  Irregular Verbs and Adjectives

Math: We begin Unit 7.  We will work on multiplication skills (making equal groups), skip counting, making multiples of 10 (5+5, 13+7, 43+7), and solving subtraction problems.

Science:  Rocks/Erosion

Social Studies: We will begin our new unit on People in Time and Place.  We will be reading, Winter Days in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Vocabulary:  pioneer, ancestor, custom, artifact, and communication

Mark your Calendars

Tuesday:  Report Cards go home. You may keep the report card and return the envelope signed.

Wednesday:  Free Dress! This free dress will help support St. Vincent de Paul so bring $1.00 or more. Stations of the Cross at 2:00.

Friday: FULL DAY FRIDAY with a  free dress day!  Students must wear some green for this free dress for St. Patrick’s Day! We will have a school assembly with families in the afternoon.

March 22nd will be WACKY WEDNESDAY free dress!

March 29th will be CRAZY SOCK day!

PRIMARY CENTERS on March 24th!  This will be our last primary center day.  Please send me an email if you would like to volunteer.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Vazquez
