First Holy Communion was wonderful. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion. A special thank you to Father Bill, who arranged the music as well as celebrated our special Mass with important messages for all of us. Thank you to everyone who helped make this celebration extra special.
Here is a Look at our Academic Week:
Homework: Reading Log (sent home) &Fluency.
RELIGION: Unit 4 Listen and Pray; We ask God for Help/ Writing about our First Holy Communion
Writing: creative writing; word attack; vocabulary development; dictionary work and cursive handwriting.
READING: We will finish reading passages of the Bible; Fluency and Comprehension with Phonics Library
SPELLING; Unit 31: word endings with ed or ing. Test will be on Thursday. Your child may study their words using J
MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; adding and subtracting with and without regrouping; story problems and strategies ; fractions and measuring. Please continue working on life skills of telling time and counting money at home.
Tuesday: Progress Reports
Friday: 2:45 Dismissal
Please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Vazquez