We are looking forward to sending our Flat Students off to their host this week. We have primary centers & minimum day on Friday, October 12th . Please contact Mrs. Rzasa if you would like to volunteer for our Primary Center on Friday.
Homework: Homework & 2nd Grade 1st trimester Reading Log-1, Spelling: I will continue sending Reading Fluency in their homework folder. The children have shown so much growth through the week with the first reading fluency practice. Thank you for taking the 1 minute to listen to your child read.
FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE: The Flat People are just about ready to go! We are in the last stages of writing and labeling our envelope. Please reassure your child’s host that they will be receiving mail soon.
STUDENT OF THE WEEK: We will be getting to know our friend, Jonee (JOJO), this week! We are so excited to find out a few new things about JoJo.
RELIGION: We will review and finish Unit 1 by Tuesday. We will begin Unit 2: Jesus Calls us to Give Ourselves in Love: Jesus shows how to love God our Father. We will also discuss saints.
SAINTS: Saint selection will done today, lottery style. The assignment is coming home Tuesday with all the supplies needed. The assignment will be due on October 16th.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Spelling Unit 7 is consonant clusters (e.g. sp, xt, sl). We will begin the story, Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett. Our focus strategy is evaluate how the author helps you understand what ranger do. Phonics will inclue the two sounds for c (/k/ and/s/) and reviewing long vowels with the silent e. The comprehension skill will be fact or opinion.
MATH: Problem solving (story problems); adding and subtracting practice; Continue helping your child with math facts as well as to tell time on an analog clock and count money. These are valuable life skills.
SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES; We will continue logging our observation on our lima bean plant, we will work in the lab and begin Animal Life Cycle; Social Studies; Communities, maps.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Have a Blessed Week,
Mrs. Vazquez
2nd Grade Teacher