Academic Overview:
Homework: No homework. I do ask you spend time with your little ones playing a board game/ cards/ write a letter to each other. Please enjoy spending time with your family this holiday weekend.
RELIGION: We will write a Thanksgiving Prayer the next two days including reviewing our first three commandments.
Reading: Groups will be reading, Nate the Great, Talks Turkey. Reading groups will discuss vocabulary and the story elements (characters, setting, problem and solution) as they read their chapter books. We will continue reviewing syllables, ABC order, digraphs (sh, th, wh, ch, tch).
We will continue our read aloud, Cam Jansen #1. We are working on visualization by stopping after a few pages and having them describe what they see in their “movie minds”. Great way to check if they comprehend the story and vocabulary.
Spelling: We will begin reviewing chapter 14. We will NOT have a test for this unit until we return from our vacation (Thursday, December 4).
Writing: We will continue writing about small moment. Our focus is using capital letters, punctuation and having movement and talking in our writing. We continue to learn to unfreeze our frozen stories.
MATH: We have started using flats(hundreds block), longs (tens blocks) and cubes (0nes cube). Last week, we started the lesson and have found we need a little more practice with money exchange. We will continue playing some money games this week.
FLAT STUDENTS: We continue to receive flat mail. If your child has brought flat mail home, he/she needs to return the mail after you get a chance to read it. I will send an email today to flat host families who have not sent a letter/card.
Your child will need four stamps by next week. We need postage for the mail we send to our host families.
Tuesday: P.E.
Tuesday: (December 2nd): Teddy Bear Day! Don’t forget your New Teddy Bear.
Donate a Bear on “Teddy Bear Day” for Adopt-a-Family on December 2nd. Your child may bring in their bear before December 2nd.
Please send me an email if you have any questions to secondgrade@sacredheartschoolventura.org
God Bless,
Mrs. Vazquez