Thank you for taking a little time of your day to meet with me during conference week. It was great talking about the progress your child has made throughout the 1st trimester. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.
We continue practicing very hard for the CHRISTMAS PROGRAM, which will be next week on December 18th at 6:30 p.m. A letter went home from Mrs. Lyle describing suggested clothing.
We will be writing our letters and card to our Flat Person hosts and cards for our 7th grade buddies.
Here’s a look at our academic week and what we hope to accomplish:
FREE DRESS ON WEDNESDAY $1.00 or more…The donations will help support the Hurricane Sandy Catholic Education Fund.
Homework: Remember, we started a new reading log. This week we will continue working on writing a complete sentence for our reading log and focus on neatness along with the fluency reading.
RELIGION: 3rd and 4th week of Advent: Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12th) ; loving others and getting our hearts ready for Christmas. We will have our religion quiz this week.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading for comprehension and fluency; special Christmas stories and vocabulary, rhyming and Dictionary work (guide words and thesaurus); creative writing; and language arts of the season.
Spelling: Unit 15; we will focus on the words with long o such as old, own, soap and swallow
MATH: Subtraction and addition facts to 20; We will continue adding two digit number without regrouping and begin adding two digit number with regrouping. Subtraction of two digit numbers without regrouping will be introduced.
Social Studies: This week will be looking at the world map and identifying the 7 continents. We will focus on the North American countries.
Science: We will continue reading & learning about Motion and Force. This week we will focus on the vocabulary words; friction, pull, push and force.
. ******STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Diego******
God Bless,
Mrs. Vazquez