Dear Second Grade,
Our little saints did such a great job with their presentation. Way to Go, Second Grade!!!!!!
Reading Log: Reminder to read 20 minutes a day for 5 days.
No IXL this week 🙂
Religion: We will focus on JESUS SHOWS US HOW TO LOVE GOD OUR FATHER.  Vocabulary: Lord’s Day, Ten Commandments
Language Arts
Reading: CLICK HERE FOR Parent Pipeline: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Glossary
New reading groups will begin this week!
Writing: Grammar; naming words, nouns. We continue writing about small moment and adding details to our writing.
Spelling:Â Students will take their spelling test tomorrow. New word sorts will be given to students on Friday.
MATH: Base Ten Blocks; time; money; Writing numbers in four forms:Â written, base ten blocks, standard and expanded form. We will begin with daily word problems.
SCIENCE: Complete Magnet unit
Days to Remember:
NEED SERVICE HOURS? Please come join us on November 2oth for Primary Centers from 10:00-12:00. PLEASE RSVP via email.
Wednesday: No School! We will not have library this week.
Thursday:Â P.E.
Friday:Â FULL DAY!!!! YAY!!! We have a lot to do!!!!
Donut sales continue!  Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name and amount.
God Bless,
Mrs. Vazquez