Dear Second Grade Families,
The kids and I are VERY excited to have our friend, Genese, join our class!!!!
Thank you to all the volunteers for helping out in our primary center day. I could not have done it without all of you.
Tuesday & Thursday: P.E.
Wednesday: Free Dress $1.00, St. Vincent & Library books due
SAVE THE DATE: NEXT Friday: Parent’s Day!
Homework:Reading Log, CLICK HERE FOR FLUENCY, IXL( 3 skills this week) A.10, H.2 and I.1
RELIGION: We begin the memorization of the Act of Contrition. Please practice at home. We will be discussing sin and temptation. We will examine our conscience this week.
READING: Our new strategy this week is focusing on Fluency. Click Here for Parent Pipeline
We will continue with our read-aloud, The Boxcar Children.
SPELLING: Some students will take their test today or tomorrow. Please begin practicing their new words. They will be taking their spelling for this week’s words next week on Thursday.
MATH: We will be skip counting, reviewing addition and subtraction with some fun 100 day activities. I will be sending home a worksheet at the beginning of next week to this week’s skill on rounding. They need a little extra practice before our test. We will be wrapping our unit 4 next Tuesday with our math test on Thursday.
SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES: Weathering of Rocks/Long Ago and Now
Have a Beautiful Week,
Mrs. Vazquez